Thursday, 7 August 2014

Things I will miss

My Irish adventure is almost finished and now I can't help thinking in all the things I will miss from my live here. Like the man who plays music with two spoons in the Main Street everyday during hours. Or Elvis purring when I scratch his neck. Or Charlotte learning to be friendly and asking for affection. Or Dusty getting the hell out every time I show up. Or hesitating every time I want to cross the road without losing my life. Or going to Rut's house to hang out. Or going out for a Smithwick's every Friday night after the Bingo. Or Smithwick's in general. Or Guinness too. Or Roberta cooking lasagna. Or Roberta baking Victoria cake. Or actually Roberta cooking or baking  in general. Or specially she preparing pancakes. Or Emel, Ilara and Adnan saying "Spin me around, Silvia!". Or they also saying "Silvia, please, sing the 'Sana, sana'". Or lying in the garden when the sun shines for more than ten minutes. Or reading in the dining room with Mary. Or walking along the canal or to the Charleville castle with Rut talking about many, many things.  Or Rut or Laia's laugh. Or Laia falling down the stairs. Or Laia forgetting things in my room. Or Bill laughing. Or even Bill getting angry because something was not ok in the Centre. Or Tom saying "Absolutely! / Fuc***g great! / I love it!". Or going to Clara Market on Sunday´s morning. Or Erika cooking dinner. Or the swing at Tom's house. Or a paint in The Brewery Tap. Or "stealing" coasters in each pubs. Or movie's night with Rut. Or the charity shops. Or playing pool during the break in St. Mary's. Or going out on a Monday. Or going to mass with Stephanie or Roberta and the kids. Or the trips every Wednesday. Or going to Dublin. Or the meetings and lunch with Malgorzata. Or...

Even I will miss frozen spaguetti...  

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